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2024 TAS Annual Meeting

October 25 - 27, 2024

Call for Papers, Symposia, and Posters

In order to allow college students time to submit proposals, the deadline for ALL papers, posters and symposia has been moved back to September 15th 2024.

Abstracts and creative ideas are sought for papers, symposia, and posters to be presented at the 95th Annual Meeting of the Texas Archeological Society, October 25-27, 2023, at the Emerging Technology Conference Center, Victoria,Texas. TAS encourages presentations by avocational, student, and professional archeologist members on any topic of archeological interest. According to current TAS policy, all presenters must be TAS members and be registered for the meeting. The Registrar and Program Committee will be checking on this.

Please note: according to current TAS policy, all presenters must be TAS members and be registered for the meeting. The Registrar and Program Committee will confirm membership. The final deadline for receipt of symposia, poster and paper abstracts is August 2, 2024. Now September 15, 2024!  

Symposia may be organized around any topic, area, major project, and/or time period. Each symposium will be allotted two hours per five presenters, with a five-presenter minimum. Due to scheduling concerns, symposium organizers must ensure that all abstracts for symposia posters and symposium papers meet a final deadline of August 2, 2024  September 15, 2024. For effective presentation of symposia, organizers may specify the order of papers and their length, so long as this is stated in the symposium abstracts.

Poster presentations can effectively convey visual, graphic, and quantitative information, and posters can reach a larger audience than oral papers. In order to appear in the program, poster abstracts must be received by August 2, 2024 September 15, 2024; late poster entries may be accommodated after consultation with the Program Co-Chairs and Annual Meeting organizers. Poster presenters should bring their own easels, if available.

Papers will be allotted 15 minutes, a limit that will be strictly enforced. Because simultaneous sessions will be held, the program schedule will be adhered to so that TAS members can move from room to room to catch talks of interest. Members are encouraged to consider poster presentations as an alternative to papers.

Other presentation formats such as discussions, demonstrations, and hands-on workshops may be held on approval of the Program Co-Chairs and Annual Meeting organizers.

Submit all abstracts as Word files attached to email (, or by regular mail on CD or flash drive or in typed form. Abstract for each presentation can be no longer than 150 words maximum. For email attachments or CD/flash drive submissions, include a text (.txt) file in addition to the word processor file; text files may be created by using the Save As command and selecting the text file type.

Meeting rooms will be equipped with data projectors and laptop computers; additional audiovisual needs may be accommodated given prior notice.

Contact the Program Co-Chairs with questions about submission dates, formats, and/or equipment. We look forward to your contributions to this meeting.

We look forward to your contributions to this meeting.

Dr. Heather Para and Roger Smith

2024 TAS Annual Meeting Paper Co-Chairs

Abstracts must include the following information:

  • Paper/Symposium/Poster (indicate one)
  • Equipment requested for the presentation
  • Title
  • Author(s) and Affiliation(s)

Abstract for each presentation (150 words maximum)


If sending a hard copy: 

If sending a hard copy:

OC Garza

CoBALT Archeology

1801 E Warren Ave

Victoria TX 77901

Texas Archeological Society

Texas Archeological Society, Department of Anthropology, Texas State University, 601 University Drive, San Marcos, Texas 78666-4616

©2024 by Texas Archeological Society.

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